We assist consumers in learning any aspect of living that a consumer believes will lessen his/her dependence on others.
Peer Counseling
A person with a disability provides support to others with disabilities, role modeling and sharing coping mechanisms to help others become more self -sufficient
We work with businesses, government officials, clubs, and other organizations to provide a barrier free society for people with disabilities through mediation and advocacy.
Sensory Impaired
Weather its visual or auditory impairment we can get you the resources you need to function in the community.
MorePersonal Assistant
Services to consumers who require assistance in order to maintain their community living status.
MoreCommunity Reintegration
After a nursing home stay your ready to reintegrate into the larger local community? we can help.
MoreNewsletter Highlights
Joan Steele, MS,CCC,SLP/L, Independent Living Specialist started the SICIL Social & Activity Group for consumers at the Carbondale office. Since September 2023, the consumers meet every first Tuesday of the month from 1-3p. The membership has grown from four to eight. The Group discussions and games are structured to engage the consumers in everyday lifestyle by making better decisions. Some of the actives include watching movies, tea parties, and other actives. There were also talks about affirmation activity as well as discussed a plan for disaster preparedness. First aid kits were given to members and ideas for preparing for the solar eclipse were discussed. All members are very supportive of each other, and there is a lot of laughter.
Carolyn shares her story about the me the lived in an assisted living facility when her health began to deteriorate, and initially thought that she would be better off living in a facility where she would have help and support. While living in the facility she noticed that her health declined even more. She could not eat the meals that were best for her medical needs, and her mood changed. She and her doctors thought things could get better for her if she was in her own apartment. How ever, Carolyn thought that there was no way out of the assisting living facility because she had heard that once you were in the facility you were “STUCK”.
The Food and Nutrition Committee (Barbara Anderson, Theresa Haley, Marilyn Haywood, Steven Johnson, Cameron , and Johnny Rock) teamed up with Instructor, Misty Bernhard, SNAP-Ed Community worker at the University of Illinois Extension College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, in Murphysboro’s to start the Teen Cuisine program for grades 6-12th. The classes started in March 2024, and will end in May.
Center for Independent Living
Until the 1960's people with disabilities were housed in nursing homes. Desiring to live more fulfilled lives, they began to organize and the Disabilities Rights Movement had begun. By the mid 70's The organization "Center for Independent Living" was formed advocating for the rights of the disabled to live and work within the community.
Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living
The local branch of Independent Living Movement was formed in 1985 by the a group of persons with disabilities from Carbondale IL. Staying true to the philosophy of advocacy and assistance.